Thursday, March 19, 2009

24 Week Pics

Weighing in at a whopping 143.5 pounds is my beautiful wife, and our strapping young son with a 150 beat per minute heartbeat. The Dr. said everything looks and sounds great.

Baby´s future best friends

I´m pretty excited that our little buddy is coming into this world with a couple of furry friends.

Will I be a good dad?

So...the question everyone always asks is..."Are you nervous to be a dad?" I 've decided that the answer is no! I am unbelievably excited about being a dad, but I'm not nervous. The reason I can say that I'm not nervous is because I have great parents. I was lucky to be born into a family that loved me unconditionally, provided for me, and taught me how to be a great husband and father. I will always be grateful for the love of my parents.
The reason I say I am not scared to be a dad is because I have a great dad. Here are some of the things my dad taught me that I want my son to know. I could add a million, but here are a few:

-My dad taught me how to love my wife and provide for her. My parents have been married almost 27 years, and still love each other. My dad still makes my mom laugh, and makes sure that she is happy.

-My dad taught me how to spend time with my kids. I can't remember an event that my dad didn't make it to. From school events, to sports, to surgeries, to building projects, my dad was and is still there.

-My dad taught me how to work hard. My dad has worked his butt off at a job he doesn't always like to provide our family with the things we need. He taught me that I had to work for the things I want, and work hard to keep the things I have.

-My dad taught me how to enjoy life. I can fish, I can landscape, I can teach, I can coach, I can sit on the couch with a beer, some popcorn, and my dogs and be happy. I've learned from my dad how to enjoy whatever situation I'm in.

-My dad taught me how to be a man. I know how to provide, I know how to work hard, I know how to love my wife, I know how to enjoy life because of my dad. I hope that as my son grows up, he'll be able to say the same about his dad.

I can't wait for my dad to be a grandpa.

I love you dad, thanks for loving me.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Names are tough!

Choosing a name is tough! This is going to be his name we name him after his dad, his grandpas, his uncles, does his name sound tough enough, how will Jr. High kids make fun of his name, will our friends and family like it, does his name have meaning???....All of these things have to be thought about before picking a name. We are open to good suggestions. I think we may have one picked out, but it is tough!

20 week Ultrasound

So this is a little after the fact, but we had our twenty week ultrasound and found out we are having a BOY! Needless to say, we are very excited! I've posted some pictures for everyone to see. One is of him pointing, another is him sucking his thumb, one is his boy part, and the other is of his feet.